Bringing in the New Year

Hey guys, I’m back. Sorry for seemingly falling off of the face of the Earth, but I’m still here. My entire Winter Break has consisted of grief and anxiety as I lost one of the most influential women in my life to Myeloma Cancer and Leukemia. My grandmother was a strong woman and it took me a second to realize that type of strength has lasted through generations in my family and was, without a doubt, passed on to me.

Sadly time doesn’t stop and the world keeps moving and I can’t allow myself to be left behind. Despite this, I still needed motivation to blog. I had to sit down and reassess why I was blogging and whether any of this mattered to me. In doing so I realized that blogging is much more than a method of expressing myself and reaching a lot of people in the process. People place a certain trust in bloggers that I wanted to be placed in me. Less and less we blindly consume products because a cute ad on TV that told us to do so. These newly empowered consumers go to the bloggers they trust for advice on what to buy, on whether things are a good investment, and what’s the newest, shiniest object trending. And, I wanted to take on the responsibility of giving truthful advice based on my take on things.

In realizing this, I also realized that I was getting this blogging thing all wrong. Instead of posting about what other people considered awesome I needed to be posting about what I considered awesome. This blog is an extension of me and in order to properly represent myself and support my followers I have to put out content that is 100% what I like, reviews items from stores that I shop at, and highlights projects that I plan to take on. If I want people to trust me, I have to trust myself and trust that all of my uniqueness and opinions are lovable and worthy of being shared with the world.

My grandmother passed away on January 1st, but her ambition, strength, and influence didn’t – that will forever live within me. You might have brought in the New Year making goals for health, happiness, and wealth, but my main goal is to make this year the best one yet in dedication to my grandma. Whatever that means, I’ll figure out along the way. But, I’ve got a good feeling about 2015. Do you?

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