Call me frugal, but I don’t purchase a trending item unless I can make multiple outfits with it. This week’s item, despite initial hesitation, is the turtleneck sweater dress. There are a few different reasons I was cautious getting my hands on one. The primary reason being… it’s a turtleneck.
When I was in elementary school, and unable to pay for or pick out my own clothes, my mother was the person who dressed me. Her outfit of choice? A turtleneck and oversized jeans. Whenever we had dress down day (I went to a charter school w/ uniforms), I was always the one in this outfit combo.
What really put the nail in the coffin was when my class had a dance performance in front of the whole school. My mother showed up last minute with a change of clothes before my performance. Guess what she decided to bring: a turtleneck! In fact, the was the ugliest one I’d ever seen. It was bright red with a bunch of little teddybear images all over it that from afar resembled throw up. The worse part you ask? When I walked out onto the stage, you could literally hear the shock in the audience. My classmates couldn’t even help but stare during the actual recital. Since then, I swore I would never wear one of those claustrophobia demons again.
Now here we are, over a decade later, and I’m about to present 3 looks based entirely on an item I had so much trauma around. Who would have thought! While I’m definitely scarred from the experience, my stylish heart wants what it wants. So here are the looks. To see how I actually style this item check out this post.